Osho: Freedom

In Freedom, Osho outlines three stages of freedom. The first is “freedom from,” which is a freedom that comes from breaking out of what he calls the “psychological slavery” imposed by outside forces such as parents, society, or religion. The next stage is “freedom for,” a positive freedom that comes from embracing and creating something: for example a fulfilling relationship or an artistic or humanitarian vision. And he talks about “just freedom,” the highest and ultimate freedom. This last freedom is more than being for or against something; it is the freedom of simply being oneself and responding truthfully to each moment as it arises.

Freedom helps readers to identify the obstacles to their freedom, both circumstantial and self-imposed, to choose their battles wisely, and to find the courage to be true to themselves.

This book, as all my other Osho translations, is a part of the Insights for a New Way of Living series which aims to illuminate beliefs and attitudes that prevent us from being our true selves. The books in this series contain an artful mixture of compassion and humor, powerful thoughts, and practical steps that can lead us to live happier, more fulfilling, and liberated lives.

ISBN: 80-89227-32-5
EAN: 9788089227327

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Client: Eugenika

Scope of Service: Translation into Czech

Tags: Translation