Osho: Intimacy

“Hit-and-run” relationships have become common in our society as it has grown more rootless, less tied to traditional family structures, and more accepting of casual sex. At the same time, there is a growing feeling that something—a quality of intimacy—is missing in our lives.

This quality has very little to do with the physical, though sex is certainly one possible door. More important is a willingness to expose our deepest feelings and vulnerabilities, with the trust that the other person will treat them with care. Ultimately, the willingness to take the risk of intimacy has to be grounded in an inner strength that knows that even if the other remains closed, even if that trust is betrayed, we will not suffer any permanent damage.

In this gentle and compassionate guide, Osho takes us through what makes people afraid of intimacy, how to encounter those fears and surpass them, and what we can do to nourish ourselves and our relationships to support more openness and trust.

This book, as all my other Osho translations, is a part of the Insights for a New Way of Living series which aims to illuminate beliefs and attitudes that prevent us from being our true selves. The books in this series contain an artful mixture of compassion and humor, powerful thoughts, and practical steps that can lead us to live happier, more fulfilling, and liberated lives.

ISBN: 80-89227-06-6
EAN: 9788089227068

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Client: Eugenika

Scope of Service: Translation into Czech

Tags: Translation