Seekers World

Seekers World was a concept for a virtual online world that provided a shared community space for spiritual seekers. Not focused on one particular school of thought or philosophy, the main purpose of this project was to create a place where seekers could come together, where they could share and view content, communicate and interact with each other, etc. Think Second Life with a focus on and unique features developed for a specific audience.

Seekers World was a substantial design and I worked on an area of it dedicated to the teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti. The area consisted of several main sections such as the lounge (designed for meeting and socializing with other users via IM, VOIP and video chat), auditoria (for shared consumption of audio and video content), library (for accessing textual records of Krishnamurti’s teachings), centre for education (integrated with and providing access to the real life Krishnamurti schools), dialogue rooms (for in-depth exploration of certain key topics such as freedom, relationships), and Jiddu Krishnamurti’s room (containing various virtual objects related to the man himself and designed to provide background about his person and life).

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Client: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Scope of Service: Concept & design

Tags: Interactive